Where is the Jersey Village campus located?


What are service times?

We have service at 9 & 11am every Sunday!

We have Guest Parking for you!

As you pull into Faith's parking lot, you'll see A-Frames that point to Guest Parking.

What should I expect?

We begin each service with vibrant, contemporary Christian music led by our Faith Worship team. Whether you lift your hands in praise and sing a long or stand in quiet reflection, we hope you’ll feel God’s presence. You’ll then hear an encouraging Bible-based message by our Lead Pastor, Dr. Nathan Rouse!

What do I wear?

At Faith, you’ll see everything from suits to T-shirts and shorts. Wear what makes you feel comfortable—you’re among family here!

Is Children's Ministry Available?

Yes! Faith Kids is a place where your kids can have fun, grow, and discover just how much God loves them.

Only Speak Spanish?

Spanish interpretation is available via headset by visiting our Welcome Desk in the lobby.

Traducción al  español está disponible a través de sistema de audífonos visitando la mesa de Bienvenida que está en el lobby.

Let us know you're coming!

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.