Here are some next steps!


Declare your commitment to Jesus.

Are you ready to go public with your faith through water baptism?  The Bible encourages us to take this next step of going public with our faith!

Here are some next steps!

Discover Faith

Learn how you can partner with us.

Whether you are new to Faith Church or have been coming for years, we invite you to grow deeper with us.  We need you, you need the Church, and we are so much stronger together.  Discover Faith is a 3-week pathway that will help you discover and deploy your God given gifts and plant deeper roots.

Get involved!

Want to Serve?

Not going to church, but being the church.

To serve the Lord is a great privilege! At Faith Church, there are many areas of ministry to serve from greeting our guests, jumping around with kids, to operating a broadcast camera. Let us know if you would like to begin serving!

Shepherd School

Begin Shepherding.

Shepherd School is a hybrid, discipleship training program by Faith Church. This 10 Week hybrid learning solution provides discipleship training for those that want to leave the sidelines and embrace their calling. 

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